Tzering’s Story: true strength comes from within

Tzering’s Story: true strength comes from within

Tzering’s (32) story is one of resilience and self-belief. Growing up in a vulnerable situation, she transformed her life by founding Loops & Looms. This is a business that supplies us with products made from recycled sari materials. 

As a young girl in Nepal, Tzering had to fend for herself from an early age. At just seven years old, she sold fruit and vegetables to pay for school. By fourteen, she was working in a jewelry workshop, earning a modest income. Despite facing discrimination and limited opportunities, Tzering remained determined. She taught herself English and developed her craftsmanship where she eventually rose to a supervisory role. 

At sixteen, Tzering got an opportunity to work for a Dutch designer in a sewing workshop. She quickly advanced from seamstress to production manager, leading a team of 42 women with dedication. However, life continued to throw challenges her way. When the workshop closed due to the pandemic and floods destroyed her materials and machines, Tzering was determined to pursue her dreams. 

With support from Anouk, a freelance colleague at A Beautiful Story, Tzering took her first steps as an entrepreneur. Her products, made from recycled saris, tell a story of resilience and creativity. She started with two employees and now, thanks to multiple clients, she has been able to grow her team to ten employees. Tzering also works for the local market to diversify her business and create a strong foundation. 

While she prefers not to talk about her past, she has decided to care for her mother and stepfather. Tzering is married to Kamal, whom she met in the sewing workshop, and together they have two daughters. 

Tzerings story shows that no matter how many challenges life presents, there’s always an opportunity to start again. It’s a story of courage, strength, and love. She hasn’t just built a business; she has also created a community where craftsmanship and sustainability thrive together. Her journey reminds us that true strength comes from within. 

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