From sari to lucky tool

From sari to lucky tool

In our summer collection you will find accessories made from beautiful fabrics. But did you know that these accessories also tell a beautiful story?  

Fabrics with a meaning 

In India and Nepal, women wear saris during special occasions. These are made of beautiful fabrics. A shame to throw them away when they are no longer worn. After collection, they are transformed into beautiful accessories at workshop Hatti Hatti. From bracelets to pouches and scrunchies. Because every sari is different, all products differ from each other. So you have a product that is completely unique.  


Empowerment for women 

Hatti Hatti in Kathmandu, Nepal is all about sustainable - in every sense of the word - communities. Hatti is the Nepali word for elephant: elephants have big hearts and always take care of each other. Exactly what they do in this workshop as well. Hatti Hatti employs vulnerable women whose work enables them to increase their decision-making abilities.  

Sajna is a coordinator at Hatti Hatti. Sajna: “Before I started working at Hatti Hatti, I was quite a shy, vulnerable girl. My work made me a confident and independent woman. It's great to see the women I work with grow. Together we get the best out of ourselves and each other.” 

Discover all lucky tools made from saris.

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