How we make an impact

How we make an impact

We believe everyone has the right to create the most beautiful story out of life. Each piece of jewelry is handmade with love by talented artisans in Nepal and India. Through their craftsmanship, they are building a better life. The gemstones and symbols in our jewelry are thoughtfully chosen to inspire and support you on your journey.

Financial independence for our artisans

For a beautiful life, our makers need financial independence. With a stable, living income, they can meet their basic needs. But with a living wage plus, they can also cope with unexpected situations and invest in their future. This helps them become more confident in their self-sufficiency and their family’s well-being. We are committed to going beyond a living wage, enabling the makers to build a better life with their skills.

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“Now that I am working, my home situation has improved. Earning as much as my husband makes me feel equal, and I'm proud of that."

- Gyatri
One of our talented artisans


Jewelry with a meaning

With our jewelry, we tell positive stories that encourage and move you forward. Every piece carries its own meaning because of the different gemstones and symbols. There is always one that suits you or the moment. From a card offering comfort to a bracelet celebrating friendship, our jewelry is the perfect gift to show another woman how much you admire her for who she is and the journey she is on.

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