The story of Jolanda

The story of Jolanda

Jolanda Doolaard is the Head of Product at A Beautiful Story. In this role, she is ultimately responsible for all our collections. Jolanda always pursues what brings her joy. The autumn-winter season is truly the season for Jolanda to reflect and embrace herself.

"I naturally turn inward a lot to recharge my battery. During this season I deepen my practice of meditation and reflection. I cherish the small moments with my friends and family at home. And I seek connection. With others, with nature, and with myself. I draw strength from within myself to reflect. I believe that you already have all the wisdom within you. And that you have to embrace yourself Love yourself. Especially your flaws. On my coffee table, I have a collection of poems by Rupi Kaur. I draw inspiration and insights from those every day. One of my favorite lines is: What's the greatest lesson a woman should learn? That since day one she’s already had everything she needs within herself. It's the world that convinced her she did not." 

"Embrace yourself. Flaws and all." 

"Sometimes, I find myself straying from the conventional path or what society expects of me. I’ve been like this since I was a child. Always daydreaming. My parents have always supported me in my choices. People like David Bowie, Iris Apfel and Vivienne Westwood inspire me because they carved their own unique paths. This year, I took a trip to Paris for a week. By myself. Because I love this incredible city which gives me energy and inspiration for new collections, but also to connect with myself." 

Favorite: labradorite 

"This season, labradorite is my favorite. This gemstone matches self-reflection perfectly: labradorite helps to trust your intuition and follow your inner voice. Look within, says labradorite, and think about what you can let go of and where you want to go. You already have all the wisdom within you. Labradorite reminds you of this: you can make your dreams come true." 

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