Standing in your power with Lisa

Standing in your power with Lisa

Lisa works for Ralf Gohr. One of the agents in Germany we work with. Self-care rituals boost her confidence and self-love. They enable her to stand in her power and be herself. She shared her story with us. 

Time for yourself

"When I am with my closest friends and family, being myself comes naturally. I feel like they accept me for who I am. And that I don't have to change anything. But in situations where I don't feel fully accepted, I withdraw a bit. I feel the pressure to pretend to be someone I’m not. How do I deal with these moments of self-doubt? I take time for self-reflection. This reminds me of my values and what truly matters to me. Before long, I realize that I can be proud of who I am. I also find inspiration in people who aren’t afraid to be unique and different. They encourage me to do the same."

Get to know yourself

“My advice to others is: get to know yourself. For me, self-care rituals help to rebuild my self-confidence and self-love. When you truly understand yourself, you also know what you stand for. What you can be proud of. Don't let other people's opinions influence you. Embrace what makes you unique. And from there you can find your happiness and connect with others.”


Feminine wisdom with Moonstone

Lisa got to know herself through self-care rituals. This is how she regained her self-confidence and self-love. Could you also use some support to stand more in your power? Moonstone is there for you. This gemstone reminds you of your feminine wisdom and intuition. 

Shop all jewelry with moonstone.

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