Meet our team: Bhavani

Meet our team: Bhavani

We are in touch with Bhavani Shrestha about operational matters of the Artisans Workshop every day. We’ve been working together for many years on our lucky tools: jewelry with meaning. What does positive warrior mean to her?

Who is a true positive warrior to you? And why?

Jhamak Kumari is a Nepali writer and for me she is a true warrior. She had to overcome so many challenges in life, it doesn’t even seem humanly possible. She was born with cerebral palsy and writes with her left foot. Her body may not be strong, but mentally she is incredibly strong. That makes Jhamak Kumari a true warrior.

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

God has created everything for us to survive in this world. So our world is already perfect, it doesn’t need to change. It’s only our mind, our attitude and behavior that we have to change to make this world a beautiful place. Unfortunately, in today’s world we see a lot of inhumanity. 

If you would make a painting of our world, what colors would you choose?

I would use all kinds of colors to show the world exactly as it is: the good, the bad, the humane, the inhumane, truth and dishonesty.

What has been a challenge in your life?  

To make our society understand that every human being has its own way of thinking. We should respect each and everyone’s way of thinking.

Where you see the good in the world?

The good in the world is not what you see outside. The good is inside. It’s the result of your thinking, and karma.

Can you see the good in the world? Can you give an example?

Yes, everything happens for betterment. For example, each night reveals a new morning. A new day to achieve your mission in life.

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