Paper goods

helps you turn inward

Collection: Paper goods

Stationery - write, create and inspire

Discover our extensive collection of stationery products that are perfect for capturing your thoughts, stories and creativity. From notebooks and sketchbooks to insight cards and greeting cards - each product combines design, symbolism and fair craftsmanship. Whether you are looking for a practical tool for your daily notes or something unique to give as a gift, our stationery collection is there for you.

Fairmade stationery items

Many of our items are made from recycled materials and are produced with craftsmanship in India. We have our products made on the other side of the world. Not just by producers far away, but by craftsmen who feel like family. For them, our products have a very concrete meaning: a decent income, a roof over their heads, food on the table and independence. Here you can read the story behind our stationery.