

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine an endless field of poppies. A light breeze makes them dance. The sun is shining. Can you see it? Now, think about yourself, and about all the people around you. What if we were all poppies? How beautiful would it be if we could all bloom? You. And the person next to you. And the one beside them. Side by side. In abundance.  

In a field of poppies, there is room for every flower. Sunlight, soil, oxygen. Everything is shared. Each poppy takes what it needs. The rest is for the flower next to you, and the one beside it. Can't we find a better way to share? 

This season is all about blooming. All stories deserve to bloom. Let’s explore. What do you need? And what about the other person? Maybe we’ll discover how we can support each other. Be each other’s fan. Co-create.  

For blooming, light and air are needed. And belief. Trust. If you truly believe something can happen, the chances of success increase. That’s not always easy. Past experiences can sometimes be the biggest saboteurs. But still, you can take a new step every day: till the soil, plant a seed, water it, prune a branch that blocks the light.  

Whoever sows roses will, with a bit of patience, also reap roses. 

Let’s bloom! 

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