The hamsa hand is a Middle Eastern symbol for protection. We do not know how old it is. It may have originated as an amulet 1800 years ago. People also painted the hand in blue on ships and houses. For a pleasant and carefree life.
Protection: raise your hamsa hand
In later years, the hamsa raises its hand in different religions as well. In Islam, as khamsa or the Hand of Fatima, the prophet Mohammed’s daughter. There’s a story that Fatima was cooking one day. She was startled by her husband coming home with a new bride. She dropped the spoon and continued stirring with her bare hand. Because of the grief in her heart she didn’t feel the pain. When she took her hand out, it had two thumbs. A miracle.
Five is the number
In Judaism, this chamsa symbolizes the hand of God and the first female prophet Miriam, Moses’ sister. Others call it the hand of Mary. But everybody agrees that hamsa refers to the number 5. To the 5 pillars, the 5 books of the Torah, and the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Whatever you believe, hamsa protects you. Fivefold.
Love: help someone, someone will help you
The 5 pillars and the Torah are about doing good. To yourself and to others. You help someone, someone will help you. It can be that simple. With an open hand, hamsa brings you friendship and protection. It has nothing to hide. You are safe.
Do you wish someone a hamsa hand?
Send a nice greeting card with hand painted hamsa hands

Inner peace
In Buddhism and Hinduism, hamsa represents the energy fields of your body and your 5 senses. And it looks great with your yoga outfit. Let everything flow. Hamsa is a place where different cultures come together. A place where you have nothing to fear: peace of mind remains. Namaste.
How do you carry the hamsa hand?
In earrings, necklaces, and bracelets you wear the hamsa hand downwards. That way, you invite all the beautiful things of the universe. You can also pin the hand up. Then you put a halt to everything that isn’t a beautiful thought. Hamsa also looks super flowerpower on a denim jacket. All of our symbols are handmade in Nepal, using traditional methods passed down from generation to generation. Protected by the hamsa hand of course.