Impact: our sustainable development goals

Impact: our sustainable development goals

By 2030, the world should be a better place. This is what all United Nations Member States have agreed on. There are 17 SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals, we want to achieve together. Think of it as a universal call to protect the planet, end poverty, and improve the lives and prospects of everyone. Everywhere. We are currently committed to 8 of the 17 goals. Every year, we strive for more and better. Our focus is on the well-being of people and their environment. 

SDG 1: No poverty

We believe that everyone deserves an honest wage for the work that they do. A living wage is not a minimum wage as set by the government of a country. A living wage is sufficient to build a basic life for yourself and your children. At A Beautiful Story, we go further than a living wage: we aim for a living wage plus. That way our artisans can even put some money aside. To be able to cope with unexpected costs, but also for their retirement. 

SDG 3: Healthy and happy

We invest in good, safe, and healthy working conditions at the workshops of our producers. In countries where we sell our products, we help people to grow, to realize their goals and dreams. That's why we call our jewelry lucky tools. For the artisans and the wearers. 

SDG 4: Good education

Our artisans think it's important that their children can attend schools that provide a good quality education. We think so too. That's why a living wage plus doesn’t only let you save money but also enables you to send your kids to good schools. 

SDG 5: Gender equality & women empowerment

We choose to work with producers that support women empowerment. Working conditions are fair, safe, and equal. And they form a good foundation for independence. One of the producers we work with is Beads for life, founded by Nimdiki Sherpa. Over 60 women work in this workshop in a suburb of Kathmandu. Many of them did not have the opportunity to decide for themselves what to do with the money they earned. Luckily, they do now. That’s why Empowerment is independence is the slogan of Beads for life.

SDG 8: Fair work and economic growth

Fair jobs and economic growth are only achieved with long-term goals. It only works if you establish long-term relationships with each other. Is Nepal not always convenient? We'll stay anyway. We track and measure the number of lucky jobs we create with our partners. So that our artisans can count on a stable income. 

In 2006, we started with a group of 10 artisans. Now we offer 217 lucky jobs across Nepal and India. Our dream is 1,000 jobs by 2025.

SDG 10: Reduce inequality

A lucky job is a long-term job. It enables our artisans to live independently and enjoy a society of equality, understanding, and solidarity. This is how we contribute to a society that treats everybody equally.

SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities

We work with artisans who use low-impact production methods. We encourage them to minimize (negative) impact by increasingly sourcing low-impact materials. We track materials and waste streams. For example, our scrunchies are recycled from old saris.  

SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production.

We work with suppliers who think the same way about responsible production as we do. And we develop long-term relationships with them. Our production methods are becoming more sustainable and we choose as many sustainable materials as possible. Together, we create products with a positive impact. That's why we share as many positive stories about our artisans as we can.


Want to know more? Read our impact report.

Tushi, artisan of lucky tools in Nepal (37)
"My aspiration is to save for retirement because these days you see many children taking care of their parents. If I can save enough and retire comfortably, I’ll be happy."

Rajan, artisan of lucky tools (44)
"I don't want my children to struggle like I did in the past. I want the best for them. For myself, I would like to have a better financial situation and build a house. Being financially independent is my biggest dream."

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