The story of Ayla

The story of Ayla

Ayla Maagdenberg (36) is a photographer. She started her photographic journey when she was 12, finding her true calling in art school. Over the past year, Ayla has been capturing the lives of our artisans and workshops in Nepal and India. 

"Photography is my way to connect with people when I travel. It opens doors to meet people and to see places I wouldn't otherwise have the chance to see. I find myself talking to people on the streets, something I wouldn't usually dare. Everyone has a story. Everyone deserves to be seen. With my camera, I spotlight people who are making a mark on the world. I can show their talents for all to see. But in 2022, everything changed for me. While in Ghana, I found a lump in my breast. Back in the Netherlands, it turned out to be breast cancer. A huge shock. At 32, I was suddenly a patient. Photography became too physically demanding. Also, my mind was too foggy to manage people. I no longer dared to make plans for the future. My mother had always been spiritual. As were some of my friends. But when I was ill, I suddenly understood them much better. During treatment there was fear and anger, but I discovered that positivity brought me more. Thankfully, the treatment worked, and I was healthy again and living my best life." 

"Embrace the now, you never know what the future brings." 

"Quite soon after the good news, I went on a month-long solo trek in Nepal. Back to nature. My friends and family wondered if it wasn't too soonBut if there’s one thing that being ill taught me, it is to embrace the present. You never know what the future might bring. I went out with a guide and were unreachable for 19 days. At the top of the mountains, I felt incredibly proud: I had beaten cancer. But at the same time, surrounded by those huge mountains and the overwhelming nature, I realized how small we are. A teeny tiny speck of dust in a huge universe." 

Favorite: tiger eye  

"My favorite gemstone is tiger eye. I find it beautiful and the meaning resonates with me. Tiger eye grounds you, in the here and now. You dare to take the next step. Tiger eye reminds you how strong you are. Confident and proud, like a tiger." 


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