Smokey quartz brings you peace

Smokey quartz brings you peace

After taking a few million years to form, smoky quartz is now ready to help you. To be more precise, to help you quit. To quit annoying habits. Like being afraid, worrying, doubting, smoking, or snacking. Too much of anything is never a good idea. Stopping also means a new beginning. And that's what this patient gemstone can help you with. You gain resilience. And with the calmness of smokey quartz, you suddenly see new possibilities. 


Smokey quartz owes its dark color to natural radioactivity. Without radiation, smoky quartz is just a rock crystal. The gemstone itself doesn’t emit radiation but protects against it. From your phone, laptop, or computer. Actually, against all negative energies and emotions such as stress, grief, or sadness. So you can feel safe and ground yourself.  

Need grounding? Shop for jewelry with smoky quartz here. 

Relax, accept, let go 

Even though this gemstone is dark in color, its properties certainly are not. On the contrary. Smokey quartz helps you, like a night light in a dark hallway. To transform your own dark sides into new, fresh opportunities. Full of new energy, courage, and zest for life.  

That’s what I want. 



When smokey quartz is exposed to light for many years, this gemstone loses its color. Just like the transformation you are undergoing. Smokey quartz helps you to make big changes. Step by step. Sober, clear, strong and with focus. Wear smokey quartz in a bracelet or a ring. And let life take you by the hand. 

A special meaning 

Our jewelry and gifts have a special meaning. That’s why we call them lucky tools. Our artisans in Nepal create all lucky tools fair trade and by hand. Our lucky tools will help you in shaping your life path: a greeting card that supports, a necklace that embraces you. For our Nepalese artisans, these lucky tools mean independence, being able to take care of their families and send their children to good schools. Your purchase in our webshop or at one of our other points of sale provide employment in places where it’s badly needed. We believe in our goals. Just like smokey quartz. 

Have a look at our jewelry.

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